and Aeneas stares into her helmet


Tiffany Higgins

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Tiffany Higgins

Tiffany Higgins

This is Aeneas, once son of Venus, now a warfighting daughter of America deployed 'from Charlottesville to Fallujah,' straining in the thick of modern war's most perverse miasma. Tiffany Higgins' anachronistic and recast hero is one brilliantly charged nexus of exploitation and war; she is captured, tortured, and released as a sequence of heart-breaking lyrics. A stunning book. —Patrick Herron, author of The American Godwar Complex

Tiffany Higgins' poems have been published in Big Bridge, The Kenyon Review and other journals. Her critical essays on the work of Mahmoud Darwish and Iraqui poet Dunya Mukhail have appeared in Poetry Flash. She has translated poems of the Lebanese writer Nadia Tueni, from the French, that have been published in the journal nocturnes. She teaches English at several colleges in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Inside the Money Machine
Living Above the Frost Line
In This Paradise
The Geography of Jazz
Suddenly, Fruit